*Your Dental Cleaning – Scaling and Root Planing*

Dental offices in Brampton, Brampton Dentists, Caledon, Dentists, Georgetown, orangeville, Dental offices,Scaling and root planing is a teeth cleaning above and below the gum-line all the way down to the bottom of the pockets of the teeth. The scaling part is when your dentist or hygienist removes all the plaque and tartar from your teeth and the root planing part is the smoothing out of your teeth roots to help your gums reattach to your teeth. For some, this deep cleaning, may take more than one visit to complete and may require a local anesthetic.

It is normal to have tooth sensitivity for up to a week as the gums are healing around the teeth after a deep dental cleaning. Your gums also may also be swollen, feel tender and bleed.

Your dentist periodontist will also schedule a follow up visit to see how your gums have healed and measure the depth of your pockets. If they have gotten deeper, more treatment may be needed.

Good dental care at home is essential to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft brush, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, avoid using tobacco and see your dentist regularly.

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski & Associates – We Protect Your Smile!




Rachel SAYS!

Dentist in Brampton, Brampton Dentist, Best drinks for your Teeth, Dentist Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist, Brampton Dental Office,
Brrrrrrrrrr … It’s cold out there, so for those of you heading south be sure to intake a few Pina Coladas … Well minus the island rum 🙂 Coconut milk is very beneficial to our overall heath. It contains essential vitamins and minerals which include calcium, potassium, chloride, vitamin A and E. Coconut milk helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar and improve bone and dental health. 
Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski Dental


Joanna SAYS!
Dentist Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist, Best dentist Brampton, Brampton Dental Office, Tooth Extraction, Space Maintainer,
A space maintainer is a fixed or removable appliance which is used to hold the space of a baby tooth which has been removed early. The cause of the early loss may be due to natural causes or extracted due to extensive dental decay. It is important to keep the space clear for the adult tooth to erupt properly, if not, other teeth may shift into the spot and future orthodontic treatment may be needed. It is important to consult with a dental professional to determine if a space maintainer will be necessary and if one is placed on the child’s dentition how to properly clean and care for it.


Steps Used for Dental Instruments Sterilization

Joanna Says!

Dentist in Brampton, Brampton Family Dentist, Dental instrument Sterilization, Brampton Dental Office,

Steps used for sterilization:

1. Instruments are first cleaned with a disinfectant to remove any remaining debris
2. Placed into an ultrasonic bath where high frequency pressure forms tiny bubbles act on debris to remove it from dental tools.
3. Then are removed and dried before placing in a sterilization pouch which includes a coloured marking to indicate if they have been sterilized properly.
4. The pouches then put through an autoclave which uses a combination of pressure, steam and high temperature for a certain length of time to kill all the microorganisms.
5. After the full cycle is complete and instruments are fully dry, they are removed from the cassette (still wrapped in the pouches) and checked to insure proper sterilization has been reached.
6. Finally, the sterile packs are placed in a clean, dry area until ready for use.

If you have any questions on how your dental office sterilizes its dental equipment be sure to ask at your next visit to your dental office!

Blog By: Joanna RDH


Melissa SAYS!
Piercing In Tongue, Oral Piercing, Dentist Brampton, Brampton Dental Office, Brampton Dentist, Tongue Piercing Facts,

Risks associated with oral piercing:

  • Chipped Teeth
  • Cracked teeth that can not be fixed and need to be extracted
  • Drooling
  • Bad breath
  • Altered speech ie. lisping
  • Nerve damage
  • Loss of taste
  • Infection or the tissue around the piercing
  • Swallowing or chocking of all or parts of the piercingODHA Dental Hygiene Facts:

    Ludwig’s angina is a life-threatening acute bacterial infection of the floor of the mouth caused when bacteria enter the bloodstream through the open wound (piercing site). This is a serious condition as the swelling from inflammation can block the air passage and prevent saliva from being swallowed.

    Body piercers are not members of the medical profession: They do not review health history, prescribe antibiotics or provide post-op care.

    Contaminated piercing equipment can lead to other infections such as blood borne hepatitis (B, C, D and G) as well as HIV and AIDS.

    For more information visit ODHA Oral Piercing Dental Hygiene Facts.

Blog by: Melissa O. RDH