FUN ALTERNATIVES TO CANDY – Canadian Dental Association

Dentist Brampton, Halloween Healthy Treats, Best Dentist Brampton,

If you are concerned about the amount of candy that your child will receive, try rationing it over a few weeks. Another alternative would be to let your child trade in Halloween candy for a video game, book, toy or trip to the movies. You can also have your child set aside half of the Halloween candy and donate it to an organization such as a women’s shelter or a local soup kitchen. By reducing the amount of candy your child eats and by teaching your child that moderation is important, you won’t have to worry about things like tooth decay and Halloween will still be fun. Here are healthy treat alternatives for parents to hand out on Halloween night to help trick-or-treaters avoid a mouthful of November cavities:

  1. Sugarless gum
  2. Sugarless candy
  3. String cheese

Parents can also give out fun toys and other gifts like Halloween stickers, Halloween pencils and erasers, temporary tattoos, vampire teeth, toothbrushes and floss, which will certainly help trick-or-treaters keep their smiles cavity free.

For more information click here.

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski and Associates – We Protect Your Smile!
Dentists Brampton


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Malocclusion or a bad bite is when your top and bottom teeth do not fit together properly when biting. A reason for this could be missing, crooked, crowded or protruding teeth. Thumb or finger sucking may also be a contributor. In some cases, malocclusion or a bad bite, makes it harder for an individual to chew certain foods and due to the position of the teeth, some teeth may wear down. It may also cause teeth and jaw pain and tension. Teeth that stick out, also known as buck teeth, are more susceptible to being chipped or broken. Teeth that are crowded and crooked are harder to clean, when brushing and flossing and may be more likely to get cavities and/or gum disease. The position of your teeth and jaw has a great effect on your bite, so the sooner it is fixed the healthier your body and smile will be.

Different types of orthodontic treatments are available for fixing malocclusion or a bad bite, from traditional braces to Invisalign. Be sure to visit our office to find out what treatment is best for you.

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski – We Protect Your Smile!

Invisalign Dentists Brampton

For more information on Invisalign click here.

Healthy Halloween Tips

Halloween Snacks, Halloween Candy, Kids Health Brampton Dentists, Dental Info,As Halloween fast approaches here are some healthy tips to keep cavities away and protect your child’s smile and health. The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) recommends taking these simple steps:
    * Limit the number of times a day your child eats sugary treats or snacks between meals. Serve snacks that will not harm your child’s teeth, such as vegetables, cheese, nuts or seeds.
    * It is best to eat sugary treats at the end of mealtime while there is still plenty of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps to wash away the sugars and acids.
    * Drinking a glass of water after eating a sugary treat will also help wash away some of the sugars and acids.
    * Avoid soft, sticky treats that get stuck between teeth.
    * Always have your child brush and floss before going to bed.
For more information on healthy halloween tips be sure to visit CDA.
Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski and Associated – We Protect Your Smile!


Your dental exam consists of the dentist looking in your mouth and examining things that can affect your oral and overall health. Although you may feel there is nothing wrong many things happening in your mouth you can not see or feel in the early stages whereas your dentist is highly trained to detect. The things that your dentist is looking for and checking are as follows:

* going over your overall general medical history to determine how it affects your oral health

* checking for plaque and tartar and the appropriate dental cleaning needed

* the overall condition of your teeth and mouth

* checking for cracked, damaged or decayed teeth

* examining the state of your gums, checking for gum disease, including gum measurements, 

* assessing previous dental work

* suspicious growths in and around your mouth and tongue

* signs of any oral cancers

* whether you clench or grind your teeth which can cause cracks and wear your teeth down.

* examination of your tongue, roof and floor of your mouth

* TMJ – checking the jaw joints

* checking the condition of the bones in your face, jaw and mouth

* taking of dental x-rays which helps the dentist see between the teeth, check root canals of the teeth, infections and assess previous dental work

* an examination of your neck area, glands and lymph nodes

* checking your blood pressure

Early detection and prevention is our goal. The dentist goes through the findings and suggests the appropriate treatment, appointments and or referrals necessary. Be sure to ask lots of questions so that you can understand your oral health and be a part of making it better.

Dr. Elizabeth Dimovski Dental Office – We Protect Your Smile!

Dentists Brampton

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